Witch Jokes And Funny Stories

What is the witches motto ?We came, we saw, we conjured !

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What happened to the naughty little witch at school? She was ex-spelled.

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Did you hear about the witch who fed her pet vulture on sawdust?The vulture laid ten eggs and when they hatched, nine chicks had wooden legs and the tenth was a woodpecker.

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What do you call a witch who climbs up walls?Ivy.

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Is it good to drink witch's brew?Yes, it's very newt tricious!

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What does a witch do if her broom is stolen ?She calls the flying squad !

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What happens if you see twin witches? You won't be able to tell witch witch is witch.

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Did you hear about the TV show with FBI agents and witches?It's called The Hex-Files.

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Q: What kind of witch goes to the beach?A: Sandwitch

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Why was the student witch so bad at essays? Because she couldn't spell properly.

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/
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