Aardvark Jokes And Funny Stories

What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?An aardvark with the sniffles!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

What did the aardvark say when he lost the race to the ant?If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

Who has a long nose, wears a mask, and sits tall in the saddle?The Lone Aardvark!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

Why was Easter the aardvark's favorite holiday?Because he liked aard-boiled eggs!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

What do you call an aardvark in a frying pan?A lardvark!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

Where does the aardvark family always come first?In the phone book!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

What do you call a three-footed aardvark?A yardvark!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

What do you call an aardvark that's just lost a fight?A vark!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

Did you hear about the household appliance that eats ants and records TV shows?It's the VCRdvard

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/

What do you call an aardvark astronaut?A starredvark!

credit: https://www.fortypoundhead.com/
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